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Photographer Father Captures Life In The Three Weeks Following The Birth Of His Premature Daughter

Daniel Farber Huang

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

By Kelly Larsen

March 24, 2016

Unless you’ve gone through it yourself, it’s impossible to understand the stress and fear that new parents go through when something is wrong with their baby’s health. Daniel Farber Huang knows this all too well, as his baby Thalia was born 49 days early and spent 3 weeks at the hospital in the care of doctors and nurses. Here, Thalia is shown wearing monitor sensors,which she must have on every day.

Many issues can accompany premature births, and because of this, these babies often must spend time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Thalia was cared for at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in Hamilton, New Jersey, and her parents nervously waited with her. Daniel is also a photographer, and he beautifully captured his experience at the hospital during this frightening time.

One of his many photos documents Thalia as she is fed milk through a tube, since she had not developed the muscle coordination to breathe, suck and swallow all at the same time.

The little one also had to learn things like proper burping technique,

and she had to stay in an incubator for much of her time at the hospital.

As Daniel puts it, “From a parent’s perspective, science applied to an

infant is both miraculous and terrifying at the same time.” He watched as his

daughter slowly gained all of the strength and skills she needs to live a healthy life.

After 3 weeks had passed, she was finally ready to go home. Daniel captured the very happy moment in a photo that shows Thalia all bundled up in her parent’s arms, probably just as relieved as her mom and dad that she is home at last.

The series of photos is incredible, and we’re so glad Thalia was able to go

home a healthy baby! We wish the family all the best.

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